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Writers Theatre is fortunate to have the support of many individuals, community partners, corporations, foundations and government agencies.

Want to know more about supporting Writers Theatre? Click here to learn about our unique benefits, giving levels and how YOU can make a difference today. Thank you for supporting Writers Theatre!

We would like to recognize the following supporters who contributed $150 or more during the 2024/25 Season on this page and our digital programs. Donor listing in our physical Playbill begins at the Sponsorship level and above - to view our other supporters, follow the links below:

LEAD SPONSORS - $50,000+

Paul M. Angell Family Foundation


Pam Conant

Karen & Jim Frank

Gillian & Ellis* Goodman

Gail & Tom Hodges

Illinois Arts Council Agency

Illinois DCEO

Russ & Anne Mayerfeld

Lloyd B. Morgan

Alexandra C. & John* D. Nichols

Laurie & Michael Petersen

Rushmore Foundation

The Shubert Foundation

Stephanie & Bill* Sick

Mary Pat Studdert

Elaine & Richard Tinberg

Linda & Craig Umans

MAJOR SPONSORS - $30,000 to $49,999

Sara & Dan Cohan

Emily & Christopher N. Knight

Katie Florig

Make It Better Foundation

Polk Bros. Foundation

Village of Glencoe

Savi Pai & Howard Randell & Capital Group Private Client Services

Christopher S. Pfaff & Sara Pfaff

Judy & Jim Rauh

ARTISTS COUNCIL SPONSORS - $15,000 to $29,999


Susan & Don Belgrad

Joyce Chelberg

Crown Family Philanthropies

Fran & John Edwardson

J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Jennifer & Alec Litowitz

Carol A. Narup

National Endowment for the Arts

Bruce Pfaff & Deborah Leydig

Jennifer & Boris Rapoport

Cheryl & Lee Sachnoff

Onnie & Steven Scheyer

Dr. Scholl Foundation

Robin & Sandy Stuart

David & Donna Tropp


Thys & Kendra Nichols Wallace

Anonymous (2)

VISIONARY SPONSORS - $10,000 to $14,999

Stephen & Susan Baird Foundation

Abe & Ida Cooper Foundation

Cook County Arts

Jaime & Ben Freeman

Cynthia & Norm Goldring

Jonathan Green

John R. Halligan Charitable Fund

Laurie & Michael Jaffe

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kracum

Michael Charles Litt

Deanne & Frank McCannon

Lorel & Robert McMillan

Michael & Kathy Paleczny

Christine & Michael Pope

Danae Prousis

Dr. Robert L. Rosenfeld

Alan Rottman

The Seabury Foundation

Patti & Bob Smietana

Gregory & Anne Taubeneck

TMH Family Foundation

Gregory & Sarah Van Schaack


Modestus Bauer Foundation

Clay & Lydia Cannady

David & Jane Casper

Benjamin & Aurélia Cohen

Janice & Lloyd Culbertson

Karen & Bill Davis

Marcia & Tom Desmond

Nicole Elipas Doherty & Brion Doherty

Cathy & Doug Ethridge

Sonia Smith-Evans & Keith Pegues

Fox, Swibel, Levin & Carroll, LLP

Barb & Jim Ferry, III

Fabiana & Paul A. Goodman

Nan Greenough 

Kimberlee S. Herold

Judy & John Keller

*Betsy & Jeffery Kushen

Daniel H. Lome Foundation

David & Leslie McGranahan

James & Joanell McKenna

Mark & Elyce Metzner

Mr. Paul Nebenzahl

Margaret Norman & Dr. Gerald Vladimer

Julian Oettinger

William & Eleanor Revelle

Irene Rosenfeld & Richard Illgen

Camille & Robert Rudy

Judy & David Schiffman

Hilary & Sean Scott

Roger & Susan Schmitt

Thomas & Martha Spalding

Mary Stowell

Takiff Family Foundation

Bill & Dian Taylor

Joseph Wolnski & Jane Christino

Woman's Library Club

Anonymous (3)

PATRON - $2,500 to $4,999

Andy & Becky Anderson

Michael Bailey

Bruce & Patty Becker

Shaun & Andy Block

John W. Coleman

Jane Colman

Nancy Cook

William & Dale Davison

Domont Family Foundation

Adam & Andrea Fuelleman

Robyn & David Grossberg

Mrs. & Mr. Debbie Jha

Dan & Gloria Kearney

Heidi Kiesler

Elsa & Kevin King

Daniel & Karen Kales Lee

Levenfeld Pearlstein

Laura & Bruce Linger

Lee & Mah Family Fund

Anne McGovern

James & Catherine Nowacki

Katie Olson

Dudley & Ann Onderdonk

Rob & Karen Ospalik

Charles & Roberta Price

Burton X. & Sheli Rosenberg

Debbie & Jeff Ross

John & Alice Sabl

Shirley Schlossman

Garrett & Sarah Shumway

Emily Sturgess

Diana Twyman & John Raitt

Clive & Wanji Walcott


BENEFACTOR - $1,000 to $2,499

David & Cynthia Abrams

Susan Abrams

Sheldon & Gela Altman

Jim & Audrey Altounian

Ed Bachrach

Lydia & Gus Backer Family Foundation

Sarah & Larry Barden

Lauren & Rick Barnett

Elizabeth S. Beck

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Behles

Georgia & Karl Blalock

Michael & Mary Borgstrom

Mary Boyer

Robert A. & Iris J. Center

Lawrence Corry

Judy Cottle

Rogers Crain

Donna G. Craven

Molly & Julian D'Esposito

Lynn Donaldson & Cameron Avery

Mr. & Mrs. William Dooley

Lou & Susan Ehrhard

Scott & Laura Eisen

Lois & Steve Eisen

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Enstrom

William & Mary Fausone

Peter Fischer

William F. Pridmore & Melissa J. Frey

Dr. Willard A. Fry

Cindy & Howard Garoon

Charles & Barbara Gately

Michael & Connie Gill

Peter & Carol Goldman

David & Jill Gordon

Bruce & Laureen Grieve

Patricia & William Hagenah

Marty Hauselman

Nicole & Andrew Hayek

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hinkel

Richard Hirsch & Joyce Hirsch

Jill T. & Douglas A. Hirsh

James & Jacquelyn Holland

Carter Howard & Sarah Krepp

Jastromb Family Philanthropic Fund

Nancy & Christopher Johnson

Randee & Vance Johnson

Scott Johnson

Allan & Loretta Kaplan

Klaff Family Foundation

Bruce & Alisa Klein

Beth Kohl & Gary Feinerman

Frank & Erica Kuhlmann

Stephen & Maria T. Lans

Tom Larance

Judy & Stephen Levin

Jane & Dick Lipton

Patricia Livingston

Catherine Lundstrom

Ann & Tom Mann

Joan & Jerry Mattson

Charles McDonald & Diane Curtis

Sheila Medvin

Michael & Krysia Miller

Peter & Eileen Monahan

Scott & Luvie Myers

Judy & Bob Neiman

Barbara O'Keefe

Jonah Orlofsky & Joan Polacheck

Margaret Pendry

Lorna & Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr.

Jamie Pfaff & Paula McLeod

Don & Martha Pollak

Christine & Michael Pompizzi

Neil Quinn

Margaret Reitz

Cookie & Ned Robertson

Sarah & Bill Ross

Susan Sack

Bradley Schmarak & Gina Propp-Schmarak

Bill Schramm

Roy Schreiber

Roslyn Schwartz

Nancy & Ron Semerdjian

Ilene & Michael Shaw Charitable Trust

Barbara & Jerry Silbert

Linda Silverstein

George & Lynne Simon

Suzanne T. Smart

Sonya Smith

Michael & Julie Solot

Lauren & Steve Strelsin

George Sullivan & Dorothy Turek

Susan & James Thompson

Kara Todd

Susan & Bob Underwood

Bryan Vanderhoof

Marilyn & Michael Vender

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Waddell

Leslie & Susan West

Lisa & Randy White

Vicki Woodward

Anonymous (2)

ADVOCATE - $500 to $999

Daniel & Katie Belton

Linda & Dave Campbell

Leslie & John Carothers

Joe & Lucy Conard

Susan Cremin

Robert Davis

Laura DeMoor & Tim Brogla

Stan & Sasha Diskin

Susan Duman

Ricardo Estrada & Beatriz Ponce de Leon

Michael & Valerie Foradas

Cecilia & Jonas Forsberg

Denise Gamble

Patricia Gladden

Ethel & Bill Gofen

Jenny & Mitch Goltz

John & Pat Grady

Melanie Hauck & Jim Hertel

Sarah Heck & Rob Vanderpool

Elizabeth Hodges & Marc McQuade

Daniel Kaplan

Karen & Matthew Kaplan

Thomas E. Keim

Margaret King

Anne McCune & Ed Klinenberg

Cindy & Stuart Kohn

Jennifer Kollman

Fred & Corinne Lane

Brian & Erin Lau

Jerome & Jan Loew

Steve & Lynn Mattson

Breece & Darlene McKinney

Richard Rosin & Anne McPhee

Jennifer Parkinson

Lynn Pearl

Mr. & Mrs. Milton Pinsky

Barry & Shelley Powell

Doris Pregenzer

Cindy & Jim Robinson

David Rosen

Jennifer Ross

Anne M. Scheyer

Peter Schwarzbach

Anne & Gordon Scott

Gina Kennedy

Evelyn Siegel

Margaret & Alan Silberman

Robert & Susan Star

Joseph & Sylvia Stone Fund

Suzanne & Patrick Sykes

Nancy Tani

Ron Thomas & Marilyn Applebaum

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Towers

Seth Traxler & Jessica Aspen

Hans Van Overbeek

Louis & Linda Weber

Anonymous (4)

PROMOTER - $250 to $499

Linda & Philip Abrahams

Kathleen M. Bell

Jerry & Kathy Biederman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bischoff

Franca Brilliant

Timothy & Bernadette Broccolo

Tom & Mary Doug Brown

John D. Cartland

Joseph & Paige Dooley

S. Downey Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation

Rohanna & Victor Doylida

Richard Drake

Kathy & Ron Emanuel

Edward L. Farrell

Edith Fessler

Jim & Linda Fiffer

Louise & Rick Fisher

John & Liz Fromstein

Susan Mabrey Gaud

Thomas F. Gleason & Mina Leon

John & Jaye Golanty

Paula & Edward Golden

Robert & Julie Gordon

Holly Wathan & Ken Green

Tim Holbrook

Eugene Hotchkiss

Kameron Jackson

John D. Jawor

Douglas & Kathryn Johnson

Mary Jo Kanady

Martin J. & Susanne G. Kanter

Bill & Denise Kennedy

Don & Becky King

Lindsay & Philip Kiraly

Julie Koerner

 Nina Winston & Norman Kohn

Scott & Elizabeth Lassar

Steve & Elaine Lev

David & Beth Levy

Nello & Ann Lucchesi

Sara & Richard Mesirow

Lynn Montai

Peter Moore

Joan Neil

Jon & Kathy Newcomb

Elizabeth Nolan & Kevin Buzard

John & Joy O'Malley

Mitch & Cathie Orpett

Debra & Alexander Puce

Sandra & Jeffrey Rochman

David & Nancy Sarne

Rosita M Schloss

Clifford J. Shapiro & Darlene A. Vorachek

Mark Shapiro & Roberta Goldberg

Michele & Joel Shoolin

Meera Sinha

Nancy Stevens

Dorothy & Casmir Szczepaniak

David & Lynne Weinberg

FRIEND - $150 to $249

Leonard & Phyllis Adams

Steve Armstrong & Carol Kriekard

Henry & Leigh Bienen

Lisa J. Bloom

Carol Crane

Dewey & Nancy Crawford

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Curley

David & Susan Curry

Diane M Falk

Edward W. Feldman

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Feldman

Jennifer G. Fiegen

Margot Flanagin

Robert & Ann Garrison

Doris Gilbert

Frederick & Francoise Gougler

Joel & Sharon Greenburg

Helen Gunnarsson

Ardath Hamann

Howard & Julie Hayes

Pete & Jean Henderson

Harry & Libby Hirsch

Jerome & Mary Kaltman

Olwyn Kane

Caroline Koclanes

Howard & Pam Korenthal

Robert & Sofia Kukulka

Peggy Kullman

Mark & Paula Lawson

Lynne Means

Elliot & Lynn Miller

Virginia Miller

Carol A. Mitchel

Janet Nakai

Diana Palomar

Aurora & Dennis F. Penepacker

Steve & Bev Pinaire

Anne Pollock

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Ruskin

Ushers Saints

Howard & Gail Schaffner

Lorian Schwaber

Diane & Bud Schwarzbach

Kelly Starr

A. & C. Taylor

Martha Trueheart

Catherine Westphal

Anonymous (3)


Writers Theatre gratefully acknowledges individuals who have made gifts in honor or in memory of others between December 1, 2023 and March 1, 2025. If you would like to make an honorarium or memoriam gift, please call the Advancement Department at 847-786-3504.

In honor of Braden Abraham

Marleen & Kenny Alhadeff

In honor of Pam Conant

TMH Family Foundation

In honor of Lloyd Culbertson

Lisa & Randy White

In honor of The Village of Glencoe

Elrod Friedman LLP

In memory of Ellis Goodman

Rachel & Jason Meltzer

In honor of Bruce Grieve

David & Betsy Brint

In honor of Thomas Hodges

Mr. & Mrs. Julian D'Esposito

David & Marilyn Vitale

Jeremy & Gillian Farmer

In honor of Diana Kates

Bob & Alice Kohn

In honor of Christopher Knight

William & Rivka Holzman

Mr. & Mrs. Julian D'Esposito

Jeremy & Gillian Farmer

In honor of Beth Kronfeld

Emily & David Rotenberg

Lynne Means

In honor of Kathryn Lipuma

Susan Abrams

In honor of Carly Magill

Linda & Craig Umans

In honor of Russ & Anne Mayerfeld

Thomas & Martha Spalding

In honor of Charles F. Moles

John & Katherine Culbert

Kathleen Harrington

In honor of Lloyd Morgan

Burton X. & Sheli Rosenberg

Thomas & Martha Spalding

In memory of Christopher Nugent

Phebe T. Tinker

In honor of Alexandra Nichols

Mr. & Mrs. Renaat Ver Eecke

Bill & Deirdre Franklin


In honor of Chris S. & Sara Pfaff

Bruce Pfaff & Deborah Leydig

TMH Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. David Casper

Gary Neilson & Trudy Havens

Lisa & Randy White


In honor of Melissa Reimer

Gene & Peggy Kocian


In honor of Mary Pat & Andy Studdert

Thomas & Martha Spalding

George Sullivan & Dorothy Turek

Marcia & Tom Desmond


In honor of Donna Tropp

Maria Wynne

In honor of Kendra Wallace

Bill & Deirdre Franklin


The Quill Society comprises members dedicated to supporting Writers Theatre’s future and who have designated a planned gift to the theater. We are grateful to the Quill Society members who have honored Writers Theatre with a bequest:

Jacqueline Brumlik

Marcia S. Cohn

Edward Elisberg

Barbara S. Herst

Carol A. Narup

Dorothy Schnadig

Elly Thaviu