Since our very first production in Tudor Court— Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, in the fall of 2003— the performance space within the Woman’s Library Club has allowed Writers Theatre to produce stories of a scale that never would have been possible at Books on Vernon. With our recent final production in this venerable venue, we take a look back at some of the memorable achievements that happened within these four walls.

Pictured: Robert Scogin, Suzanne Lang and Linda Kimbrough.
The Savannah Disputation – 2007
This audience favorite was the first World Premiere play to be developed through the Literary Development Initiative. It had its premiere on the Tudor Court stage, before moving on to multiple productions nationwide.

Pictured: Kevin Gudahl and Kate Fry.
A Minister’s Wife – 2009
The wildly successful world premiere production of this original musical led to a new production at New York’s Lincoln Center Theater, also helmed by Artistic Director Michael Halberstam. The national success of the piece has brought the Theatre’s new work program national attention and acclaim.

Pictured: Natasha Lowe, Matt Hawkins and Stacy Stoltz.
A Streetcar Named Desire – 2010
David Cromer’s seminal production of the Tennessee Williams classic reconfigured the Tudor Court venue in groundbreakingly innovative ways, bringing audiences closer than ever to the Kowalski’s New Orleans home.

Pictured: Jonathan Weir and Shannon Cochran.
A Little Night Music – 2012
A nationally acclaimed production of the Sondheim jewel, which felt rediscovered in director William Brown’s beautifully intimate staging—despite being the largest production in the Theatre’s history at that point.

Pictured: Nate Burger and LaShawn Banks.
The Liar – 2013
A summer runaway hit, The Liar, was a perfect tribute to the Word and the Artist. Corneille’s 1643 classic was given hilarious new life by modern wordsmith David Ives, while the winning cast, led by longtime favorite LaShawn Banks and newcomer Nate Burger, delivered each rhymed couplet with the utmost skill.

Pictured: Mark L. Montgomery and Kate Fry
Hedda Gabler – 2014
Kimberly Senior’s recent, riveting production of the Ibsen masterpiece reminded us how the intimacy of Tudor Court allows world classics to come to passionate life unlike anywhere else.

Pictured: Jonathan Weir, Susie McMonagle, Emily Berman, Stephen Schellhardt, Will Mobley and Jeff Parker.
This summer, Tudor Court took its final bow with the world premiere of Days Like Today, a production that combines all the history and strengths of this revered venue, a commissioned new musical with a visionary scenic design that stretched the limits of the space, while at the same time giving audiences an intimate engagement with great actors performing the brilliant words and music.
Thank you for joining us for these—and the dozens more—memorable moments in our Tudor Court space. We look forward to welcoming you into our new home in the very near future!
[All photos by Michael Brosilow.]
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